O canal Lakehouse 3D é focado em impressões 3D, mostrando processos e dando dicas.
A logo estava pronta e vetorizada. A ideia aqui foi retratar o processo de uma peça impressa. Ela precisa de polimento e acabamento. A logo surge rústica, então é polida e acabada.
Os efeitos sonoros incluídos são de alguns equipamentos utilizados no processo de acabamento das peças.
The Lakehouse 3D channel is focused on 3D printing, showing processes and giving tips.
The logo was ready and vectorized. The idea here was to portray the process of a printed piece. It needs polishing and finishing. The logo appears rustic, then it is polished and finished.
The sound effects included are from some equipment used in the finishing process of the pieces.
The logo was ready and vectorized. The idea here was to portray the process of a printed piece. It needs polishing and finishing. The logo appears rustic, then it is polished and finished.
The sound effects included are from some equipment used in the finishing process of the pieces.